Kathy Gaalaas, Digital Strategist

Hi, I’m Kathy!

We probably met briefly on the home pagewink Since you’re now visiting the Contact Me area, I can only assume you’re interested in my services and looking to find out a bit more about who you’d be working with. I’m glad you’re here to find out more about me and if there’s anything missing, please don’t hesitate to text or write me an email directly. I’d love to hear from you! Seriouslylaughing


A bit of background on me…

I initially taught myself social media platforms (a LONG time ago), as I collaborated with local female business owners, up-and-coming comedians and aspiring musicians. As we chatted more about their brand and how they wanted to reach fans, I became aware of the frustrations that came up as these artists were trying to pave their way online and stand out.

Remember, it was the early 2000s.

Facebook hadn’t been invented yet, Instagram wasn’t even a thought, and websites were only for big companies. The best way to get info out to the masses back then was through word of mouth or email lists. Artists, actors, or anyone in the creative field had no idea how powerful social media and digital strategy could be and would be in the future. There were a few I followed, however, and I learned everything I could as these artists paved the way for others (Hi, Prince and Dane Cook!).

But, because I was a huge fan and wanted to help my local and non-A-list artists, I decided to learn what I could in my spare time (I’m always up for a good challenge!). I was working full-time and then basically hanging out on MySpace, Instant Messenger and chat rooms in the evenings. I didn’t realize it then, but due to all the work I did for my buddies, I ended up acquiring an expansive wealth of social media knowledge, was curious about how the digital space worked, I learned basic coding (I still miss that) and I also developed a unique communication approach I still use today.

My college education and passion lie in psychology and how people tick. So the psychology piece addressed not only the business side of brands but also the emotional side. I always knew that appealing to folks’ emotions was the way to keep people engaged on a website or social media page like MySpace.

If I was intrigued by a personal story or song, I assumed others would, too. The thing was large corporations were not doing this at the time, so there was an opportunity waiting in the wings.

Fast forward a few years, and now I’m a mom of two, having embarked on several business ventures along the way. Some thrived while others came to an end, but I’ve embraced the knowledge gained from each experience in various ways. I blend the science of the mind with my profound and personal understanding of people and groups’ ways of being. By integrating my formal education with real-life lessons and my passion for music and connecting with others, I craft tailored digital strategies for clients. These strategies enhance engagement and foster a deeper connection with their brand. This understanding is crucial not only for expanding your fan base but also for understanding yourself. Once you can define who you are and the WHY behind what you do (if you haven’t already!), your community will resonate with you, and your brand awareness will skyrocket. THIS is your Essence.

Aside from being an entrepreneur and avid connoisseur of anything Prince, I’m a wife, mother of two insanely wonderful kids, a coach, a comedy junkie, living my childhood dream as a tap dancer, sharing new tunes as a Peer2Peer music distributor and a publicly declared Target addict.

I was born in New Jersey, spent the late 70s in Colorado, grew up in Texas, and now living the good life hanging out in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Thanks again for stopping by! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I love connecting with new folks and you’re no exception☺

      The Essence of Connection



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