The Process

More than likely, I’ll know a bit about you before our first phone call (it’s FREE!).
We’ll need to talk for at least 30 minutes so I can ask you some questions and understand your needs. After this phone call, I’ll send you my Client Questionnaire to fill out. After you complete that, I will also have a better idea of how much time it will take for us to truly start working together.

Find the email sent from “”.
Please be sure to respond within 24 hours. Information is power. Sometimes it’s not a good fit and you’ll know right away. Other times, you may have questions or you’re an immediate “LET’S DO THIS!”
Whatever the case, please email or call me back to let me know. I promise I won’t get hurt feelings.

Once your questions are answered then it’s time to get to work! First, you’ll choose a plan that works best for you. If you have questions, we can set up another call to answer those.
My goal here is to get you the BEST package for the work I’ll be doing. For some, it’s hourly, and for others, it may be a 3-month plan. You can count on me to be clear and honest with my suggestions.

Now it’s time to Get Started! This is the point you’ll make me an editor, admin or manager of your social channels so I can access them to take a look at what’s going on behind the scenes.
I’ll also check to see if you have an optimized Google Business/Maps, searchable website and all those things. THIS is when things really get exciting and we can make some major movement.

Once I’ve gotten into your social channels and studied your posting patterns to see how your fans interact with you, we can set up another call to go over my findings. Additional details will start to show themselves and we can chat about where is best to start and who does what. We will continue to work together and your business does NOT stop just because I’m on the scene! We’ll be in constant communication to make sure things are running smoothly and I’ll be answering questions along the way.

But for some, you may need a little extra help, or maybe you’d like to focus more on your craft versus hanging out on the computer all day counting likes and views. At this point, we will discuss a longer term 3-month plan, and decide at that time what we’ll do next.
Your brand is unique — I’m always open to discussion in regards to payment and rates.
And, because I work with small business owners, and have a small business myself,
I make partnering with me as simple as possible.
Keep in mind that I..
> Don’t require long-term contracts
> Don’t require retainers
> Don’t have any minimum service levels or monthly spends
Tap the button below to check out my packages.

The Essence of Connection