The Purple Essence Background
I created my social media consulting and management business for a very specific niche market.
Why? Well, I felt this uniquely special and valuable market of musicians, artists, comedians and female entrepreneurs have been unrepresented in the world of music, arts and small business– Especially where social media is concerned. And, after hundreds of conversations with friends, musicians and current clients, I found that these VIPs aren’t using social media to it’s FULL advantage, and therefore, get frustrated, quit or try to do it all on their own.
You’re not alone anymore.
As a solopreneur and avid supporter of musicians, artists, and female-run businesses, I’ve identified two main reasons you might be feeling frustrated:
1. Many musicians and entrepreneurs simply lack the experience to deeply engage with digital platforms or aren’t utilizing their full potential (because you’re busy honing your craft!), and
2. There’s often a lack of a cohesive digital strategy, which means fans and potential clients can’t find you easily. (Sad face.)
Together, we’ll create a unique and fun digital roadmap. By combining social media consulting and business coaching, we’ll help you leverage and rock your marketing and business goals. This includes digital and print marketing, sales (think: merch!), artist-to-fan (client) interaction, and brand development.
However we work together, I bring the same passion and enthusiasm as if your brand were my own. My ultimate goal is to empower you to feel comfortable managing it all on your own! Yes, I can coach you to get your platforms buzzing the way you want and help you gain the confidence to run them yourself without needing to pay someone else. But, I’ll stick around as long as you’d like me to!